i never dug up my dahlia bishop of liandaff will it grow again
By Allbob68
United Kingdom
i never dug up my bulbs of the dahlia bishop of liandaff will it grow again this years if not will i be able to dig it up now and pot it for next year or if i dig it up now (it is april now) and pot it again in june will it grow back in time for summer
25 Apr, 2009
I scraped the soil back where my normal dahlias are left in and they are alive. but they were burried very deep. My brother in sunderland dug his tubers up by mistake last week and he said they were just mush. But they werent very deep.
so you may be ok give it to mid/late may before buying replacements.
25 Apr, 2009
Previous question
Keep an eye on it. They can be left in the garden all year. I did this last year with know problems. Its the wet they dont like not the cold.
I lifted all of mine this winter but I have noticed a shoot growing outside where the tuber must have split when I lifted them.
Mine have been slow this year. Fingers crossed for yours.
25 Apr, 2009