By Sjleeds
United Kingdom
I have a twisted willow tree which is now around 9 feet tall and has three stems It is fast getting too big for my smallish garden and my sister has suggested coppicing it. Would this work and is now the right time to do it? SJ in Leeds
29 Apr, 2012
youl have to coppice it realy as its one of the wirst trees to have near footings of houses,walls etc . id keep it so you can reach the branches to be cut of from standing and it will keep the root stock small .
1 May, 2012
Yes, and now. We have two and I coppice them alternate years. Doing it now may leave the tree looking a bit bare, but it soon grows new branches and you get the bonus of catkins on the new wood next spring.
Should add that ours are pollarded, rather than coppiced. they are grown on 4 foot legs.
29 Apr, 2012