By Derekm
United Kingdom
Hi folks, my old greenhouse that is due to be taken down,
was completely missed this morning when my next door but one neighbour,s shed roof blew off, guess where it landed, that,s right, on top of my brand new one, buckling about 5 glazing bars, 2 support struts, and 2 roof vents, lucky or what!!!!!!!!
29 Apr, 2012
Oh dear,Derek..that is must be gutted ..what will you do? We have been so lucky,as we haven't had the gale force winds here,just heavy sorry to read this...
29 Apr, 2012
Thank,s for your concern,s Sprog & Bloomer, it actually couldn,t have come at a worse time, as I,m taking my wife to Llandudno for a short break tomorrow, I,ll have to leave it until we get back, I,ve put some plants into the old greenhouse for now, 8 x 6 instead of my lovely sized 12 x 8. I have spoken to my insurance company, no problem, so i,ll just go away and forget it for a few days, thanks again Derek.
29 Apr, 2012
Oh Derek so sorry, thank goodness it was insured, you are right, try and put it to the back of your mind and enjoy your time away...
29 Apr, 2012
What a nuisance! At least its insured but all that work!
Hope you enjoy Llandudno we went last year and enjoyed it very much......especially the visit to Bodnant......
30 Apr, 2012
Ahh Derek, what a horrible thing to happen. Try not to let it spoil your trip. Pamg's suggestion of a visit to Bodnant should help you to forget about it for a little while anyway.
30 Apr, 2012
you are lucky or unlucky depending which way you look at it . isnt this called an act of god and therefore you cant claim of your neighber ? here in the east we have had know wind . good luck .
1 May, 2012
Thank you all for your kind remarks. Pamg & Steragram, I asked my wife if she would like to visit Bodnant gardens, but as she now has to use a wheelchair, she didn,t want to go as it would spoil it for me, having to push her round, {and as she is blind it doesn,t really do anything for her} but we enjoyed the break anyway, and didn,t think about the greenhouse at all ?.
Np that act of God rubbish, doesn,t apply now, it,s just treated as any other claim, {ever since they made that film "The man who sued God", Derek.
4 May, 2012
im realy glad about that derek .
5 May, 2012
Previous question
« new alpine bed made out deck boards . Its turned out good. Not to fill with...
Oh dear. That's the kind of luck I have too. I hope your neighbour's Insurance will pay for it. Your Greenhouse is much needed at this particular time of the year. Hope you get sorted soon.
29 Apr, 2012