By Madcow_uk
United Kingdom
How long do you keep plants inside?
I've been putting some seeds on a wet paper towel and storing them in a warm room, to speed up germination. Which seems to work. I then put them into the 1.5 inch little seed pots for a while. However I'm not sure when I should then go and plant them outside? I suppose it depends on the plant?
Advice welcome.
1 May, 2012
I agree with above comment. But also recommend using a reflector made from kitchen foil to prevent seedling becoming leggy and leaning towards light if they are indooors.
1 May, 2012
That's ingenious! Or just turn them round every day. Depending on what the plants are you might need to put them in a bigger pot before they are big enough to go out - keep your eye on the drainage hole to check if roots are showing through.
1 May, 2012
Good advice. Thanks.
2 May, 2012
Yep, depends on the plant - all will need hardening off before placing permanently outside, but some of the more tender ones you need to wait till risk of frost is past, which is usually considered to be end of May.
1 May, 2012