By Irene1953
United Kingdom
Hi all
I want to lift my forget-me-nots and put them in a different part of garden also my helibore when is the best time to do this
3 May, 2012
As for the hellebore they have a long tap root and don't like being moved at all. You can try in autumn but may well lose.
3 May, 2012
Jonathan,s idea seems the easiest, self seeders always seem stronger.
3 May, 2012
I'd wait for the forget me nots to stop flowering and start forming seed, then heave them out of the soil and dump them on the ground, shaking them first, where you want plants next year. Leave 'em there about a week and then compost or bin them.
You will probably get seedling forget me not popping up later in the year in the original position as well - keep an eye out for those and move them in autumn to where you want them.
3 May, 2012
Thanks all I will do as you say this is a very informative sight. Much better than the BBC one
4 May, 2012
Glad you think so Irene
4 May, 2012
thanks Irene - its probably 'cos we're quite chatty, sometimes off topic too, lol!
4 May, 2012
Yes you are and very friendly too maybe the BBC one is just for stuffy people who take life too seriously
4 May, 2012
Hi Irene, check out some of the blogs if you,ve time they,re interesting and informative........and often very funny.....:0)
4 May, 2012
You don't need to replant your forget me nots. When they finish flowering they will set seed. When the pods are getting drier and you see lots of tiny black seeds in them, then you will know it is time to pick off and just go and sprinkle round where else you want them to grow. Is very easy and reliable. If you have them growing somewhere you don't want them, dig them up and dispose of after you have the seed from.
3 May, 2012