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Deux-Sèvres, France

Can anyone explain why my bourgainvillea bought about 4 years ago from a garden centre has not flowered since the first year. It was re-potted initially and has lived in à light airy room with good average température all year round, producing healthy green leaves. I certainly do not overwater. Do you think it Will ever produce coloured flowers again or should I ditch it?
Le Mûrier Bressuire Deux-Sèvres France



It is a challenge getting Bouganvillea grown as a houseplant to flower again after its first year. They usually bloom profusely in spring and summer - to try to get it to bloom again the following year, you should prune in autumn and reduce watering to a minimum, keeping the plant in very cool conditions throughout the winter (but not below 10 deg C), then increase the temperature/warmth and watering once spring arrives. Prefers a sunny spot, keep away from heat sources.

5 May, 2012


I think it also needs plenty of food - I use a tomato feed for mine, and put them outside in the summer - some flower quite well

6 May, 2012


Most varieties also need a certain amount of direct sun to bloom.

7 May, 2012

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