By Xcyx
Hi,everybody.I am chinese and would like to study english about garden, and hope that there are someone can help me.
My qq ID is 769650162.
Thanks a lot and look forward to receiving a reply.
6 May, 2012
Are you wishing to learn English by reading about gardens, or do you want to learn about English gardens?
As well as looking at this site and asking all the questions you wish there are many books we could recommend if we know exactly what it is you are wanting to do.
6 May, 2012
It‘s great! Thank you,nosepotter and steragram。
First i like gardening very much。second my english is bad。the last i want communication with all the people including english speaking friend。
Are you understand me?
7 May, 2012
yes i do . we can all be your friend and help you on this site .
7 May, 2012
god! that's a good idea!
7 May, 2012
thats what i thaught my friend . it mite be worth you writing a little about yourself on your profile with photos so peoplecan get an idea about your garden and wear you live . a lot of people in england grow bamboo and have chinese type of gardens so you will be able to help us to which is what this site is about . take care bye for now .
8 May, 2012
I am sorry that I have some questions to ask you.
1 What do "it mite be worth you " mean?
2 What "people can ... wear you live" mean?
3 What "take care bye " mean?
4 i beg you to make sure your spelling are all right, and all the words seperated by period.
in the end ,i am not sure that whether bamboo originated in china,but it very popular in china。
8 May, 2012
Xcyx We must warn you that we all love Noseypotter but his spelling is all his not usual and you will not find all his words in a dictionary. I will help you as I am sure he won't mind:
"It mite be worth you:"
This is usually spelled "it might be worth you"... and it means that you might find it useful to write something about yourself, as we would all find it interesting.
.."..wear you live - this is "where you live" and he means that we would like to know what kind of place you live in, as china is so different from the UK.
"Take care bye" is short for saying Please take care of yourself - good bye.
What plants do you grow in your garden?
8 May, 2012
sterogram is write im dyslexic .
9 May, 2012
thanks, sterogram and noseypotter.
In china ,we have four seasons as England, spring and autumn are sorter, The temperature is 10-25℃. summer and winter are longer.The temperature is -3-10℃,and 25-40℃ in summer。
the spring is light green and red,many plants is flowering and sprout。
the summer have a heavy hue,all the plants are lush。
the autumn is yellow,also a gains season。
the winter is white and withered 。
to be continued...
9 May, 2012
sounds very similer to england realy .
9 May, 2012
Your temperatures seem to be similar to ours, but we do not have many red flowers in spring. Many early spring flowers are yellow or blue but later there are rhododendrons and camellias which are most often pink or red.
I live in the south west and we do not usually have much snow in winter but areas further North are not so lucky!
9 May, 2012
yes it is the same in china.
10 May, 2012
there are four kinds of plant named Prunus mume, Cymbidium, bamboo and chrysanthemum , which are treated as four esquire in china. they are liked by every chinese person in the past centuries.
Paeonia suffruticosa is our country flower, she is the symbolize of wealth and rank, in old china and also now.
each city has its own flower as a symbol. Prunus mume is the symbol of the city i live in named nanjing.
to be continued...
bye the way, we used to express the sight in spring with the thousands kinds of purple and tens of thousands red. Mainly describe that many kinds of flower with different color is flowering.
how people say it in england, steragram?
10 May, 2012
Paeonies are lovely - many people grow them here too. Our cities do not have their own flowers though - it is a nice idea.
I am not sure what you are saying in your last paragraph. Do you mean that you used the red and purple flowers to make a display to celebrate the spring? The last sentence might be: We also have flowers of many different colours.
I hope I have understood this properly.
10 May, 2012
i meaned we describe the spring with words of "the world is full of red and purple flower."
for example, the spring is coming,all the plants are flowing,there are pink,red,yellow,purple,blue ...
At this time ,i will say "wow,the world is full of red coloure"or"the world is full of thousands kinds of purple flower and tens of thousands red fower"
do you understand?
and i want to know how you describe the spring usualy.
11 May, 2012
you have a lot of cherry blossom in china to for colour dont you .
11 May, 2012
sorry,Noseypotter,you are wrong too.
In short, we usualy use "red" instead of all kinds of colour, when many kinds of coloure come together.
12 May, 2012
The Chinese language is so very different from European ones its is not surprising we find it difficult. Noseypotter didn't mean that we use the words Cherry Blossom to describe the spring - he was just saying that in China you have a lot of cherry blossom.
I think I understand what you mean now. We do not have a similar expression in English. We would just say perhaps, How lovely the flowers are, or What lovely colours, or What a brilliant display of flowers. Or perhaps, The spring is beautiful this year.
Our first spring flowers are white, then there are yellow ones, and then they are joined by blue ones, and lastly there are pink ones. In May we have yellow blue and pink together but no red, except in gardens. We went for a walk in a wood today and there were very many beautifully scented blue ones - hiacynth non scripta if you want the Latin name!
12 May, 2012
yes, you are right!
we do have cherry blossom in china, but not the most.
13 May, 2012
I have start a new post about the most usual spring flower in china.
13 May, 2012
In china we have 12 IMMORTALs of flower too. And they are january Cymbidium IMMORTAL, february Prunus mume IMMORTAL , march Prunus persica IMMORTAL , april Paeonia suffruticosa IMMORTAL, may Paeonia lactiflora IMMORTAL, june Punica granatum IMMORTAL, july Nelumbo nucifera, august Jakaranda IMMORTAL, september Sweet Olive IMMORTAL, october Hibiscus mutabilis IMMORTAL, novenber chrysanthemum IMMORTAL, december Daffodi IMMORTAL.
The IMMORTALs are all evolved from the flowers, by absorbing the essence of nature. they are all china supernatural beings with deferent flower smelling and beauty.
15 May, 2012
Previous question
im sorry my friend im not quite sure what your asking . welcome to the site bye the way . how good is your english ? if its pretty good then this is the site wear you can find most if not all things you want to about all sorts of gardening especialy english as its mostly id say an english based site . if i was you i would look round the whole site at peoples blogs and photos and if you complement this bye using google and asking any questions you want the answer to on here you will learn everything you want . theres so much veriaty in the english garden . i mean do you want a cottage garden ? maybe a vegetable garden ? does it have to fit in with children or grandchildren . do you want to sit in your garden or even have friends around in your garden ? i would look and see what sort of garden you want or what you want from the garden first so you can narrow down what you need to learn as it could take a lifetime to learn everything about english gardens if you want to know everything which i doubt . anyway i hope ive helped somehow . bamboo is a plantspersen on here who knows lots about english plants .
6 May, 2012