By Tomlennon
United Kingdom
I have a castor oil plant the leaves are withering the plant looks like it is dying folage changing cillour3 any suggestions
6 May, 2012
plant is about 9 years old and outside in the garden
6 May, 2012
Fatsia japonica then. If there's no obvious signs of infestation or infection, most likely its the return to colder temperatures during April after such a warm March. These plants do lose leaves all year round - they usually go yellow before turning brown and crispy. Leave it alone for the time being - when growth starts again as the weather warms up, if you need to prune any dead or tatty parts off, do it end of May beginning of June.
6 May, 2012
thanks you for your prompt reply
6 May, 2012
Best to remove your email address from your question - this is a public site and that means anyone and everyone in the world can see it.
Is this 'castor oil plant' outside in the garden, in a pot outside, or in a conservatory? Ricinus, which is castor oil plant, is a tender annual in this country - the one which grows outside year round is a different plant called Fatsia japonica. How long have you had your plant and again, is it in the ground or a pot?
6 May, 2012