How safe is the soil?
By Flowjo
United Kingdom
2 yrs ago I used telegraph poles, sawn in half, (inside of pole on inside of patch) to make a veg raised bed - foolish I know. I have decided it has to go and have invested in some purpose made beds but want to put them more or less on the same site. I have removed a spade width and about 30cm down of soil all the way round. Would this be enough to be rid of any contaminated soil, or do I have to get rid of all the soil and start again?
26 Apr, 2009
goodness me, sorry am new to gardening, why was it bad to use thew telegraph poles?
x x
26 Apr, 2009
Toxic substances are dissolved in the soil water. In coaltar used to protect wood from disease which has been used to help grow vegetables,it gets into the food chain. That is what Flowjo wants to know.
26 Apr, 2009
Thanks Doctorbob1. I'm definitely replacing the poles. As I will be shifting the new beds over slightly and digging out a 30cm section (more if I can) I hope it will be ok.
26 Apr, 2009
oh dear that is a shame, thanks for explaining Doctor bob and good luck flowjo
x x x
27 Apr, 2009
Previous question
« Mine turned green in water, however, isn't doing much! Will it get bigger?
You may be able to get away with lining the inside of the pitch pole frame with a double thick layer of builders polythene. Meanwhile 30cm. depth should be enough if you are replacing the pole with boards.
26 Apr, 2009