Clemetis Nelly Moser
By Mrscobbit
United Kingdom
I cut my clemetis back last year to about 30cm above ground level as it had become really tangled and looked awful, It has sent a couple of shoots up from the base which unfortunately have been stood on ( not by me!) So now I have a very bare looking trellis and not much plant. Should I leave it alone and hope it will come back again next year?
26 Apr, 2009
I cut mine back to with an inch of it's life thinking it was something dead. I had no idea at all when I moved in this house as not had a garden before. I later found buried in the soil, the little plastic tag which told me it was a clematis and thought I must have killed it. Much to my suprise it has started growing again. So don't give up hope. Watch out for greenfly, they have had a munch!
26 Apr, 2009
Give it time and a feed, make sure it's safe from munching slugs and snails and be patient. It will grow back eventually. 'Nelly Moser' should be just tidied up in the early spring, not cut hard back.
26 Apr, 2009
I realise I over did it, I need to learn not to get carried away when I have my secateurs in my hand!!!!!!!
27 Apr, 2009
Hi Mrscobbit I suspect you have seriously over pruned check out his site
26 Apr, 2009