By Melchisedec
United Kingdom
Please can anyone tell me what this weed is? It seeds prolifically all over the place!

8 May, 2012
I think Pam's right, its a form of Veronica, or Speedwell. I always think of it as chickweed because that's what a friend called it 35 years ago, but I know it isn't. It does pop up early in the year and for a few weeks, then it stops. I've never left it long enough to flower, so can't be sure it has blue flowers. Easy to pull out, fortunately.
8 May, 2012
Would agree looks like speedwell which does have wee blue flowers... fairly easy to weed out.
8 May, 2012
Yup, Speedwell, I think, too. Easy to pull out, but a right royal pain, because it pops up EVERYWHERE! You really have to keep on top of it - I think, to paraphrase the old saying, "Five minutes seeding, a lifetime's weeding." It's the bane of my life! (well, one of them, anyway)
8 May, 2012
Thank you so much, PamG, Bamboo, Moon Grower and Gattina. I have had speedwell in the lawn for years (rather like it , actually!) but this is the first year I've had quite so much in the borders! I didn't recognise it. And yes - thank goodness it is easy to pull out. There's just so much of it!
8 May, 2012
Get pulling Melchisedec
PS Fascinated by your avatar name!
8 May, 2012
Oh I know - I really don't know why I chose it! It was a spur-of -the -moment thing. (He was an ancient priest who first used bread and wine as a sacrifice instead of burnt offerings. Not that that sheds any light upon the matter!!! ) Just a name that popped into my head when I was registering! Mind you, I didn't realise just how completely addictive this site was, and quite how much I would be using it!
9 May, 2012
I know who he was the Order of Melchizedek still exists as a priesthood.
9 May, 2012
Yes - he was also Sarah Crewe's pet rat in "A Little Princess"!
9 May, 2012
Now that I didn't know!
9 May, 2012
Hi that better? It hasn' taken you long to find out about the Goy the evening meal is fraught with danger.....:0)))
9 May, 2012
So right , Pam , the evening meal is in danger , especially if you get on the site too late ,does not make for too much harmony in the home !
9 May, 2012
Well - I am seriously thinking of limiting my blogging! Anyone would think I never had a chance to talk to anyone, and that is definitely not the case :-))) I come on the site to browse, and there is so much fascinating stuff, it is really awesome! A week ago I didn't even know how to upload a photo and could never locate my pictures once I'd transferred them to the computer, and now the camera has had to be recharged twice!!!
10 May, 2012
It's a wonderfully steep learning curve that happens to be fun at the same time. I've boiled kettles nearly dry, burnt a couple of casseroles and lost a whole pan of strawberry jam thanks to GoY!
10 May, 2012
Potatoes with me....and its the awful smell as they stick to the pan...
10 May, 2012
Oih , already ! :)))
10 May, 2012
Perhaps the site should carry a health warning! Too late for me, though..... I only switched on the computer to check the bank statement!
11 May, 2012
11 May, 2012
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I think its speedwell, see what the others say
8 May, 2012