By Tatty
United Kingdom
Hi have been reading about members problems with begonia plug plants, withering and dying after I potted them on. I had the same problem with some but the rest are doing well I am now ready to put them into baskets but I normally fill the basket part way with soil, water and put in some plants and then do another layer. Should I wet the compost as I go? I have always done this in the past but have never planted them up with trailing, fibrous begonias before. I am worried that the stems will wither and die again.
Also I am using easy plant baskets for the first time, does anyone have any experience of these?
8 May, 2012
I've had problems with plug begonias this year and are not putting any growth on what so ever.
8 May, 2012
Not much is!......we all need some sun I think.......
9 May, 2012
Maybe i should hire a motorhome and take them all abroad with me for a couple of weeks, or is that just plain potty?
9 May, 2012
Thanks everyone, nice to know I am not alone guess it is the sun that we need. Some, from Unwins, have grown quite well now, it seems that the Thompson and Morgan ones are the main culprits.
Have taken the plunge and just planted up two baskets before the rain started again.
If you are thinking of using Easy Plant baskets be warned they are easy but you need plants with a large root ball to stop the soil falling out of the hole/gate. Decided to try them as they should hold the water better than moss or fibre liners. Mind you if this keeps up they are more likely to drown than anything else!!!!!
Thanks again
10 May, 2012
Hi Tatty,
I am not too sure, I am growing trailing begonias too and they seem to grow and then like you say the stems snap so I am interested in the replies too. Good luck with yours.
8 May, 2012