By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Wisteria ina tub?
I have just bought a wisteria plant from Tesco, it is only 2 ft high but has flower buds on it. Will it be OK to grow it on in a large tub? Has anyone done this sucessfully?
9 May, 2012
Our neigbour has had her's in a container for 2 years successfully, but says it's time to go in the garden now. (I've never grown them, so I'm taking her at her word).
9 May, 2012
Actually, MG, you can grow them in tubs. It will need potting on regularly, until it ends up in a very large pot indeed (2 or 3 feet deep by 2 wide), will need a support in the pot firmly anchored to take the weight of the topgrowth, and will need frequent and rigorous training and pruning, but they do quite well in tubs if handled correctly. Usual procedure is to let it get to the top of the post you use, then cut out the top, keeping just the side shoots, which you prune regularly.
9 May, 2012
I am amazed and pleased to know this Bamboo...
9 May, 2012
I wouldn't attempt it myself - far to much faffing around with the blasted thing...
9 May, 2012
Personally I wouldn't have anywhere in my garden but, thankfully we all like different plants and shrubs or it would be a boring world!
9 May, 2012
Thanks to all for your comments, I think I will take a chance on it!
9 May, 2012
Good luck Anitamay, the worst that can happen is it will die!
9 May, 2012
Found they do ok in tubs but they often fail to flower after a few years. They need space and a decent root run to thrive....and preferably on acid soil (i believe the national wisteria collection is on acid soil although mine is devine on chalk !!!!)
9 May, 2012
Not really, wisteria gets to about 8 metres x 8 metres and has a long root run.
9 May, 2012