By Avrilcoutts
I would like to transplant my two year-old Beni-Shichi-Henge Acer. When is the best time to do this please.
10 May, 2012
Thank you Kildermoire from a Scot living in Brussels. It is in the ground so will move it at the end of the year.
10 May, 2012
that is november or febuary realy . i prefer early spring as the plant doesnt have to sit in the cold ground damaged or shocked all winter .
11 May, 2012
Sounds like good advice NP - I will do this in February. Thanks.
11 May, 2012
your welcome x .
11 May, 2012
I have that Acer - the only one that I have found that likes full shade. November-Feb is the optimal time to transplant, when it is dormant and leafless.
If it is in a pot and you want to put it in the ground then you can do that now. I would add some bonemeal and ericacious soil into the planting hole first and keep it well watered.
10 May, 2012