what is this plant
By Lance
United Kingdom
it was taken at Springfields Spalding

27 Apr, 2009
Just gorgeous - I would say its a Rheum (ornamental rhubarb)
27 Apr, 2009
I would say rheum as well with a flower spike coming up
27 Apr, 2009
I moved mine last year from the pond edge to a drier, more fertile area and its looking great. I'm wondering if mine will have a white or pink flower? Do you have a Rheum Andrew?
27 Apr, 2009
I had one several years ago but the position wasn't really damp enough for it
27 Apr, 2009
Thanks Andrew - I think my previous location was too wet and on clay, doing fine now though - they are beautiful plants.
27 Apr, 2009
What a great plant! Wish I had room by the stream for one!
27 Apr, 2009
it is really lovely :o)
27 Apr, 2009
Andrew/Spritz: Do you have a Darmera peltata?
I fancy getting one :)
28 Apr, 2009
No, but I've seen them - another one I'd love to have room for! Go for it!
28 Apr, 2009
Yes I do. I posted a picture of one a few days ago
28 Apr, 2009
I think I saw it at Wisley... yes, I'm sure I did.
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks Andrew/Spritz: I'll take a look Andrew.
29 Apr, 2009
Looks like a Gunnera to me
27 Apr, 2009