How do I care for the Durante Erecta plant?
By Sammie
United States
Will it grow in Missouri in a pot? Can it be a house plant?
On plant
Durante Erecta
27 Apr, 2009
Hi i am hoping this will help you i found an article relating to this plant this is what it said.......
I live in Inverness, Florida and I bought one of the gorgeous Durantas last spring. It was in a hanging basket (and still is). It bloomed all summer and rewarded me with beautiful golden berries. Our temperature went into the 20s a couple of times last winter and it survived. Despite the fact that I also neglected it terribly. As I said it is still in that hanging basket. I had some dieback but not much. Of course, it hasn’t gotten any larger. I plan on planting it where it spent the winter, alongside of my fence in my back yard in partial shade. It flowered quite well in that location all last spring and summer. So if it can take all I dished out last year and still make it I’d say it definitely is a Super Star.
good luck.
1 May, 2009