Strawberries - Seedlings have appeared, now what? (UK)
By Smh
United Kingdom
Excuse the ignorance here, I'm new to growing stuff! :o)
I've got around 25 strawberry seedlings, grown myself, on a window cill, indoors. They are around 5mm high, each one has 3 leaves - 1 big, 2 small (lower down).
Question is, what do I do with them now? We have a garden, with a raised bed - Should I plant them in this? If so, how far apart? I suspect, do I need to wait a little longer before planting them which case, do I need to transfer them into pots first?
Any help/advice appreciated!
27 Apr, 2009
If you've got them all in one big tray, they really need separating.
They have now got one true leaf and the two seed leaves, so I'd pot them into larger pots,(5 - 8cm ones) one in each until they get bigger and a root ball has formed. I wouldn't put them in a bed yet, they're still small and delicate.
28 Apr, 2009