Agave tap root severed
By John_chase
United Kingdom
Don't know if anyone saw this as I wasn't registered at the time. I accidentally cut the tap root on my beloved agave whilst trying to get it out of the pot (wish I'd just smashed the damn thing now.......will it survive since its a such a well established plant and has shallow roots. The tap root is presumably to get moisture from deep underground.....would more watering now increase its chances of survival?
28 Apr, 2009
Thanks for that, its a big plant but only has 6 branches, so reducing it is not practical really, but the theory is sound.
Thank you taking the time to reply though.....happy gardening.
29 Apr, 2009
Yes, the idea is that the root does not have to work so hard to keep the plant alive. Ie the root size should equal the plant size, is what was told on the programme.
29 Apr, 2009
Don't know if this'll help, but I remember from some long ago gardening programme. What you could do is reduce the size of the plant, and that'll reduce the stress. (ie prune/cut it back by say, a third) Watering regularly will be needed tho'. Good luck!
28 Apr, 2009