By Gattina
I've been trying to catalogue all the roses I have in the garden, and most of them I've identified, but this one, which is very beautiful, I cannot put a name to: has anyone got any ideas? It is very fragrant. The colours in the photograph are not very true - it is a very deep purple - darker and bluer than this shows.

15 May, 2012
Two suggestions are:
Ebb Tide Rose or Midnight Blue Rose
Check out images online! They are both a deep purple with blue tones and fragrant.
15 May, 2012
If its a bush about 3 feet with barely noticeable fragrance, John Waterer?
15 May, 2012
It's a very straggly small bush at the moment, Bamboo, but it looks as though, if I gave it half a chance, it would climb up something. It was overgrown by an enormous swathe of juniper which was used as ground cover, and which we are now attempting to cut back and replace with more interesting things. It also means that we don't know very much about it, it's been so well hidden. It's really quite a fragrant rose, so maybe not J Waterer.
I shall have a look online, Tmh, now I have possible names to work with, and see if we can come up with a match. Thank you both.
15 May, 2012
It looks very much like an Austin rose - Munstead Wood.
Same shape and colouring.
But of course there are many others that are similar.
15 May, 2012
Climber? Rambler? Bush? Shrub? How tall is it? Is it repeat flowering?
15 May, 2012