greenhouse shelving
By Chyanventon
United Kingdom
l only joined 2 days ago and asked a Q about shelving in the g/house wowww cant belive the replys thankyou all very much helped a lot . l dont know how to talk or reply to single people yet but this seems one friendy web page thanks again chy
29 Apr, 2009
couldnt agree more.
I have made some fantastic friends in the last few months.
29 Apr, 2009
hi i only joined a few days ago and i love it, there are so many ideas and so much advice it is amazing, definitely the best web site going...welcome!
29 Apr, 2009
I too think everyone on here is fab, much better than things like facebook
if you click on the individuals picture it will take you to their homepage and just next to their picture is a button to send a message to them
x x x
29 Apr, 2009
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Glad you had good response, replying as you have done, every one can see your appreciation but if you want to reply to someone personally, click on their little picture which will bring their page up, then at the top you can see a little envelope, click that and you can send them a private message which only they can read. Good luck and enjoy Goy's friendly foe.
29 Apr, 2009