By Niftyknits
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
We've just moved into a new garden. Many of the plants we recognise or brought with us are being munched by rabbits (but that's ok, I like rabbits)
This however is flourishing - so I suspect it's a weed! Should I leave it or pull it up? It's over 4 ft tall already, leaves are slightly prickly, no apparent flower heads in sight

19 May, 2012
Thank you - good tip! We've got lots of logs from where the landlord chopped a couple of trees down, so I'm raising the pots up on logs which will hopefully make them too high for the rabbits to chew what's left. I would love to think that this flourishing plant is worth keeping!
19 May, 2012
I don't know what it is but there's no need to uproot it just in case someone might call it a weed. Why not wait and see what it does? If you're worried about it spreading you can always cut the flowers off before they set seed - or if you don't like them pull it up then. After all, whether its worth keeping depends on whether you like it and not on anything else. A friend of mine in Stafford has planted pink campion on purpose. Round here its rampant on every bankside and no one would dream of planting it on purpose.
19 May, 2012
Oh I agree, weeds are only wild flowers in an unwanted position. There's no sign of any flowers yet, just lots of growth - but as long as it's not a triffid I should be OK!
19 May, 2012
I have just had a similar experience with what turned out to be a very beautiful biennial Honesty! I had only known the annual before. Thank goodness I left it - it's lovely! Whatever you've got there, it's a great shape! Let us know if you find out what it is, won't you?
19 May, 2012
I'll keep you posted, thank you.
19 May, 2012
Hello and welcome to Goy Niftyknits not sure leaves look a bit like hollyhock
Yes leave untill it blooms it may even be a weed but a nice flower.
20 May, 2012
Oh I REALLY hope so! Thank you, it does look similar. Hollyhock was one of my thoughts too, but I'd discounted it because of lack of flower spikes - maybe it's too early yet? Fingers crossed, and thanks for the warm and helpful welcome everyone!
20 May, 2012
Hi niftyknits, I enjoy knitting but your profile doesn't say what you knit although your avatar looks fun....welcome to Goy
20 May, 2012
hi Pam - I didn't put any detail in my profile because I sell my knits and I thought it'd look spammy. Mostly I design and knit meerkats in fun costumes, nothing to do with a certain TV advert - I started before them!
20 May, 2012
I've got a couple of hollyhocks this year (first time) and they don't have any flower spikes yet. So perhaps you'll be lucky!
20 May, 2012
Oh that's good news - fingers crossed then.
20 May, 2012
I,m not sure about the plants but dried chilli flakes certainly stopped our resident rabbit population unearthing my bedding plants out of the pots.......
19 May, 2012