By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
me again with my belfast sink issues...i bought an iris to go into my water feature and at the garden center he said that its not to be completely submerged...but this may sound like a daft question but you can see the pot now. Is he right can I put the pot right in the water so you cant see it.
19 May, 2012
Try planting a little bog plant in the pot as well ,to cover the rim. I used to have something of the sort but its ages ago and I can't recall what it was.
19 May, 2012
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An iris, or any other waterside plant, is alright in water if the water is FLOWING. Flowing water carries disolved oxygen to the roots which stagnent, pond or sink, water does not. I would say that your iris should sit abobe the water in moist soil but given the option for some of its roots to go down into the water if it chooses to do that.
19 May, 2012