By Kk21
United Kingdom
My lawn is not quite as level as I would like
Can I top dress with sharp sand only ? as I don't really know where to get good loamy topsoil from.
Also, I read that if the soil is basically heavy clay, which it is, it's best to spike the ground first, then brush over sharp sand on it's own and level off.
I remember reading once a ladder makes a great straight edge.
I want to top dress, say once a month over the next few months to try and level off the lawn, perhaps as much as 50mm lower in the low points to the remainder
thanks for any advice
29 Apr, 2009
Previous question
If your grass is healthy and weed free it should be ok gradually but depending on the amount you need to build up have you considered adding to the underneath? Literally lifting the turf and adding your loam/sand below the root level.
30 Apr, 2009