By Chrismcd
United Kingdom
Hi I have a Rhodedendrum bush which has given an excellent display of blooms in May until 2011 and 2012- only one flower has developed this year. Have you any ideas what the problem may be?
22 May, 2012
And the heavy frosts if you are in the northern part of the country.
22 May, 2012
Thanks a lot for your comments, I'll ensure it gets sufficient water and feed. It's funny as my other bush is fine and has flowered for the last couple of years, although it is a few years younger.
I'm from Durham by the way.
22 May, 2012
So lack of water isn't likely to be the problem. Is it in the ground or a container, if the later have you been feeding with an ericaceous feed? Is your soil acidic or alkaline?
23 May, 2012
Previous question
You don't say where you are in the country, but dryness at the roots last summer and autumn may have contributed, if you did not water.
22 May, 2012