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chionodoxa luciliae v. Scilla siberica


By Elke

Nova Scotia, Canada

I posted a photo and it was identified as chionodoxa luciliae, but since then I've seen members' photos of Scilla siberica (Siberian squill), which looks very similar. How can I tell the difference?

On plant chionodoxa luciliae v. Scilla siberica



Hard to describe, but for a start the colours are different, S,sibirica is a much darker blue and has not white in the centre. Scilla also have tubular flowers (though you need to look closely at sibirica to see the tube, whereas Chionodoxa have a flat (er) flower.

30 Apr, 2009


Thanks, Owdboggy. I've looked more closely at some of the photos now, and I see what you mean. The S.sibirica also seems to have several flowers on one stem. So I don't have that. I have the Chionodoxa luciliae.

30 Apr, 2009


No no! This is not Chionodoxa luciliae. Chionodoxa has flowers that face upwards and have a white center. Scilla siberica faces downwards, and it is often pale blue. It often has only one flower to a stem when it is young. My Siberian squill (at least last spring) looks just like this photo.

23 Mar, 2011


I would agree, the picture shows Scilla sibirica.

25 Mar, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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