Very unusual plant!
By Spritzhenry
West Somerset, England
This plant is in my friend's garden in a pot. It is the first time it's flowered, and what a flower! We'd both love to know what it is. It looks like some sort of echeveria to me, but can't track it down. It isn't hardy. Can anyone please help us?
- 29 Jun, 2007
Hello joey. You are right! I couldn't find an entry for Aeonium undulatum in any of my ref books, but today was reading a gardening mag and to my surprise and pleasure, there was a photo of one with its name! Thanks and congratulations on your detective skills!. My friend Lesley will be pleased to know what she has got. Unfortunately, the plant will die back after the flower dies, but she can apparently take off the baby rosettes and pot them up. The plant apparently only rarely flowers, so she's been lucky this year!
8 Jul, 2007
When taking cuttings of Aeoniums (or other succulents) leave the cutting to 'callus' - develop a skin over the cut end, this takes about a week or so, then put the cutting in sand & compost 50:50 water once and leave to root.
11 Jul, 2007
Hi there Spritzhenry, it may well be an echeveria but can I also suggest aeonium? Perhaps Aeonium undulatum which can grow up to 3 feet tall.. I only suggest this as the write up says 'Very dark yellow pyramidal shaped inflorescence.' and it seems big enough. I hope this is some help - it looks fabulous!
30 Jun, 2007