By Sal288
I have a SW facing patio and small very shaded garden area. My problem is that 3 of my shrubs:
Mexican orange blossom, in the garden (but close to an encroaching elder tree)
Miniature hydrangea "Rosy Summer", also in the garden, next to a full size hydrangea which is unaffected.
Spirea Japonica "Gold Flame" miniature, potted, on the patio.
All 3 are growing well, with plenty of new growth. They have shown signs of budding, but recently the top new growth has started to wilt, and is drooping and apparently dying off. The lower growth seems unaffected. They have been watered regularly when necessary, and fed a couple of times this spring.
What has happened, and what can I do to reverse it?
Sally Gibbons
23 May, 2012
I'm in SW London, and the spirea has only started wilting in the last 2 days.
But thanks for the comment, it certainly sounds like sense. Let's hope that's all it is.
23 May, 2012
Ah well, the Spiraea is in a pot - increase water, move out of full sun, particularly sun between 11 and 3 - the intense heat currently is what's causing it trouble.
24 May, 2012
Thanks for your help.
24 May, 2012
YOu haven't said where you are in the UK, but the most likely explanation is cold damage - March was very warm, so a lot of plants started putting out new leaves - April was positively arctic in comparison, and we've had more than one frost even in London during May.
23 May, 2012