By Maxine
United Kingdom
which clematis is a fast grower and flowers from may to sept easy to grow
1 May, 2009
Montana is a fast grower, it gets very large though! If you go to Taylors Clematis they have a good site that tells you about each one and when they flower and how big they grow, that'll give you some ideas
1 May, 2009
Montana can turn into a thug that needs serious pruning - it is lovely though :-)
1 May, 2009
It is OK to plant two or more together so that they give flowers at different times.
1 May, 2009
Hi there, I swear by Nelly Mosser! I have 8 clematis and 3 of them are Nellies! They just love shade and will tolerate full sun but the colour isn't as vivid if too much sun. It is a large pale pink bloom with a bright pink heart - absolutely beautiful! I live near the North Wales border (don't know how close to you?) and on my five year old plant I must have 300 flower buds just about to burst and on my newest, bought only last month at only 18" high I've got 30 flower buds. Not one of my others has any buds yet. It will explode into flower any day and as long as I keep dead heading (a pleasure!) it will rest for a few weeks then flower again, less profusely 'til October! I retrain it every couple of years, thats all!
Please let me know if you get one and how it performs?!?!?!
1 May, 2009
Nelly Moser is a group 1 Clematis early Flowering April May and does not last long so will not fill the bill for your need for a Clematis to flower May to September, although they are brilliant for the time they are in flower.
1 May, 2009
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You will unlikely find a Clematis to flower for that length of period, if you choose a group 3 clematis they will flower from June to August or July to September and the group 2 Clematis will flower early to mid summer. There are so many varieties it is hard to say which ones as you personally may have a preference of colour, position and type of soil. I would suggest you get a group 2 and a group 3 and plant near so that you will have them following on. You really do need a host climber for them to ramble through or climbing roses although you need to be careful with the roses that the pruning times match! Good luck, they are wonderful and very rewarding.
1 May, 2009