By Jeandorna
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
we recently bought a Camellia plant which started growing but lately the leaves are turning brown and falling off, Can anyone please help
24 May, 2012
You haven't said where its growing, in a pot or in the ground. Did you plant it very recently, like in the last couple of weeks or months?
24 May, 2012
If I can butt in. I also bought some Camellia this spring, almost whips - all in pots as was bare root. One of them has yellowing leaves and some fell off. I think it was the heavy rain of late. I added some ericacious feed and de compacted the soil (heavy rain compacted it). I can see new buds now. I wonder if that will help yours?
24 May, 2012
It is still in the pot I bought it in, it was only a few inches tall then but has now grown to about a foot. will try to give it some peat and not use tap water as I think that could not have helped. Thank you all for your help
24 May, 2012
Jeandorna, if its still in the same pot you bought it in at a few inches high, and its grown to a foot, it needs a bigger pot. Turn it out and pot on into something larger with ericaceous compost. Water well after the job is done. I'm not surprised its suffering, there's not enough room for roots to support the topgrowth - bear in mind that, for a plant to have more leaves and flowers, it also must grow more roots, so requires more and more room as time goes by.
24 May, 2012
Everything advised is right (of course) but one other thing. To 'kick it' back in after re-potting then give it a magnesium feed. Some epsom salts from the chemists mixed a teaspoon to the pint of water should take care of that.
24 May, 2012
In a previous garden we had a camelia plant which was very successful when growing, partly because of the soil type - acid. If your soil isn't suitable you could grow in a pot, and I have heard this is a good idea as they like sun and shade so the pot can be moved to get the correct conditions for them.
24 May, 2012