By Claireb0121
United Kingdom
Hi I hope you can help me. My lovely 10 ft Yucca Palm Tree "died" a year ago after a harsh winter, we cut the top off and left it. We now have 11 babies growing around the stump and we dont know how to safely seperate them. The babies are all tightly packed next to each other and obviously 11 yucca trees in such a small area need to be replanted. Can you please help, many thanks claire, west midlands
27 May, 2012
First, let's clarify whether you actually mean Yucca, or whether (more likely) you mean Cordyline australis. Assuming its the latter (Google for images) you've got two choices - you can only pot on any babies at the base of the trunk if you can get some good roots attached to each one and then grow them on separately. Usually, the plantlets arise from the base of the old trunk, thus making it impossible to remove them. If that's the case, cut down the trunk to where the new growth is, remove some and bin them if you don't want so much growth, and leave the rest to grow on. Or just leave them all in place after cutting the trunk down.
27 May, 2012