help planting buxus trees in planter pots
By Magser
would soil, compost and stones be ok?
3 May, 2009
Hi there, I did just this a few years ago with four. I lost one due to ants. Just keep an eye out to make sure you don't get ants making a nest in the root system - it is fatel!
4 May, 2009
I have got a buxus in pot for 17 years and it is still very healthy! I donot take care of it a lot. Just let the soil dry out now and then. Use the rainy weather and do nothing much in the winter. I think my secret is I do pour all my tea (green and black) leftover (just the liquid not the leaves though) into its soil. But donot expect it to grow very tall (is about 90 cm).
It does get very robust.
4 May, 2009
John Innes No.3 is what you need. I had box trees successfully growing in pots for years set in this.
3 May, 2009