By Terryanne
United Kingdom
I have a Red Robin Standard in a pot on my decking and it is doing well and in now in flower (purchased this spring) it continually sheds leaves is this normal and should I remove the flowers as they die off? also when should it be pruned to keep its shape and how?
Thank you for the responses I now know when to prune it and will be on the look out for a seriously large pot for it
29 May, 2012
After flowering is a good time to prune it but you can give it a trim at other times too to to keep it in shape. Regular light trims encourage a nice bushy growth.
29 May, 2012
thank you both can you advise of the best compost the use when re potting it please
1 Jun, 2012
perhaps some compost with some John Innes included and minimal peat. Have a good look over contents in the GC.
1 Jun, 2012
thank you so much for your assistance greatly appreciated, spent a fortune on the tree and don't want to lose it as we love it
1 Jun, 2012
Previous question
Red Robins, standard or not, wants to grow to be a seriously large shrub. We had to remove one as it grew so vigorously. So it needs a seriously large pot. It has probably outgrown the pot size it is planted in and shedding leaves as first defence. It is hot and looking for water and nutrients. Yes you can shape and prune after it has flowered, to try and keep it under control. It is often in corporate plantings and, as you know, regularly scalped by contract 'gardeners'.
29 May, 2012