sick Tulip tree (liriodendron tulipifera)
By Yeready
Probably a rhetorical question, but...
I planted a tulip tree about 5 years ago. It has readily reached 12 ft in height, but I have now noticed a blackening around the base of the trunk, and the upper leaf edges are showing signs of 'burning'.
Is it time to cut it down or is there any chance of saving it?
(No hard frosts or waterlogging here)
Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Thank you.
4 May, 2009
Previous question
« hope to find where to buy this seeds for me to try to grow in malaysia. thanks
It sounds much like a fungus problem. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do, since this usually is systemic by the time it becomes obvious. That is probably little help or comfort to you, though. Sometimes a tree will show periodic stress, then perk back up the rest of the year.
How has the tree behaved in the year since you posted this?
Tulip trees are the loveliest, aren't they. Ours here in northern California bloom in February before most anything else.
14 Nov, 2010