By Patfran
United Kingdom
I have a camelia which I bought about 6 years ago. It was in flower when I bought it. Ihave it in a pot with ericaceous compost and water it regularly, and feed (not so regularly, I have to admit) However it has never flowered again and now the leaves are goind yellow with nearly brown centres. I have tried it in various positions of the garden, what am I doing wrong please??
1 Jun, 2012
It has been in the pot at least 4 years, so yes I will try to find a spot for it in the garden. Thanks. Pat
1 Jun, 2012
Your camellia will be much happier in the ground if that is at all possible Patfran in a position where it does not get the early morning sun on its flower buds and in part shade. If it has been in the same pot and compost for six years it is likely to be pot bound in addition there will be no nutriments left in the compost.
1 Jun, 2012