How deep should I plant the Canna corms I have been given?
United Kingdom
I have just been given three Canna corms. All my books say to plant in rich compost but none say at what depth.
5 May, 2009
Hi Southerngardener, Just thought I'd add my comment should you want to know ?? We were given some 4 small canna roots bound up in plastic last spring ( like a medium sized plantpot size). Planted them and they grew fiercely throughout the summer flowering beautifully ( I'm in Jersey ). By winter they had died back so much that I thought we had lost them all, we even had some snow on the ground this winter, very unususal. There wasn't any sign of them above the ground. This last month shoots have sprouted and the canna have spread to at least twice the size of last years area. So make sure you plant them in a spot where they are free to spread. Hope this will help when they are more established.
5 May, 2009
When they do spread you can divide them with a knife or a spade and move them around or give some to friends.
7 May, 2009
I have just bought a couple which have instructions. They say 4 inches deep in light sandy soil enriched with some compost. Little watering until the leaves appear and then more water.
5 May, 2009