United Kingdom
My Geranium Phaeum Mourning Widow is coming to the end of its flowering. If I cut it back will it flower again? If so, how should I cut it back? Thankyou to anyone who answers.
2 Jun, 2012
Thanks Owdboggy. To be honest, I wouldn't mind a bit of self seeding from that particular plant! So many self-seeders don't do it in this garden. But i will cut it back now and look forward to another flush of flowers.
2 Jun, 2012
Just out of interest I once saw goldfinches jumping up to reach the seeds on one that hadn't been cut back - you never know your luck!
3 Jun, 2012
Interesting.. I do cut back most of my Geraniums after the first flush; but never the phaeums.. They are a early flowering sort and I have always thought 'leave it at that.'
Off now to take the snips to the garden!
3 Jun, 2012
Cut it to the ground and it usually flowers again in a couple of months time and it does stop it self seeding all over the place and becoming a weed.
2 Jun, 2012