By Jenfren
United Kingdom
Have just recieved 36 plug plant freebies from gardeners world, actually two or three plants in each plug, and all look very healthy. They are digitalis lavender geum penstemon echinacea & delphinium. Have planted them in small pots in a cold greenhouse. What i want to know is should i plant them out this year or leave them indoors untill spring. Thanking you for any replies, and also with previous help with sweet peas which are looking good
3 Jun, 2012
I'd plant up outside as soon as they're well rooted into their new pots. Keep them well watered .
3 Jun, 2012
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I think you'll find they can all go out this year if their root systems are well develop they should be fine. If like us you're getting the rain I'd wait until it warms up a bit again, but they are all perennial as far as I can tell, so should be ok. Enjoy!
3 Jun, 2012