United Kingdom
hi there some advice please. I have a pond which i would like to make a living willow cover for. my concern is the roots as i believe willow roots can cause damage to drains etc searching out water sources of course the strongest source would be my pond, would i be better to think again. many thanks.
3 Jun, 2012
Also the living willow will drop its leaves in the pond which will then rot and cause problems.
3 Jun, 2012
Not sure I really understand your question Joanna, could you explain what a 'living willow cover' is please. I get the feeling you don't mean an actual tree but could be completely wrong.
3 Jun, 2012
Do you mean like a woven willow screen or fence using live willow
4 Jun, 2012
Have a read of this joanna .It covers living willow structures :-) http://willowweave.net/livingwillowbystevefuller.html
It seems to suggest you can keep the roots under control by very regular pruning but depending on what living structure you are planning it might be quite hard I would have thought !
4 Jun, 2012
Its true. If you can't plant the willow a fair distance from the house and from any drain best think again. Danger to these would be worse than potential damage to the pond!
3 Jun, 2012