By Wilks
United Kingdom
my conference pears are all turning black?????? its only june 1st
4 Jun, 2012
Could also be the cold......
4 Jun, 2012
Try grease banding in early autumn. I did this last 2 years and no probs after that. Messy/tacky handling the stuff but worth it. Should be able to find at your GC.
4 Jun, 2012
Very sorry this has happened - you must be gutted.
4 Jun, 2012
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It could be codling moth. The grubs are laid in the developing fruits and then decimate them. The way I deal with it is to spray (there are organic sprays available) at the beginning of winter (if I remember) and again just as the blossom is about to open. It is gutting to see the fruits gradually ruined. Bad luck.
4 Jun, 2012