I was given a planted basket for Mother's Day 08 and my question is...
By Hprlady
United Kingdom
There was some trailing Ivy in it and this is now about 4ft long. Is it possible to take cuttings and does it grow outside. I don't want to throw it away but I dont have anything high enough to stand it on so the Ivy can hang down!
7 May, 2009
Yes plant it outside . propagate it by layering. run a trailer along the ground and scratch the stem underneath and just after a leaf bud. peg this down either to the ground or into a pot. By the Autumn it will have rooted and can be severed from the old branch. There are usually root initials showing on the stem, showing where cuttings can be taken. They do root very easily.
7 May, 2009
I had a basket like that with 1 large leave varigated, and l small leaved ivy in 1999
, I planted them against the house wall. The small leaved one is now up to the bedroom windows and the large leaved one was likewise but the wind blew it down last year so i cut it off but I see a new sprigg growing. I dont want them to get out of reach so it has been fine.
7 May, 2009