By Gattina
Pieris japonica. How best to propagate and when, please, all you experts out there!
5 Jun, 2012
Thank you, Derek.
I'm not sure, if I do it now, that I really need a propagator - it's 8.30p.m. and still 27°c out there. It's been up to 32° today. Getting just a little warm for me, and it's only early June.
5 Jun, 2012
Yes indeed, sorry I forgot you,re in Italy, you,re probably right, at those temperatures you will probably need to keep them cool rather than warm, lol. Derek.
5 Jun, 2012
Hi Gattina, you can take softwood cuttings now, or semi hardwood cuttings in late summer, put them in a propagator for a little bottom heat, should root quite easily, Derek.
5 Jun, 2012