By Barmyphil
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hello everyone, could anyone please tell me which is the best oxygenating plant for a small pond/tub that will behave and not go ballistic?. thankyou barmy phil
5 Jun, 2012
Thank you much appreciated barmy phil
5 Jun, 2012
Its called Laarosiphon (Elodea crispa) Bamboo. Its the one I have used for 14 years as it also provides shade. It can get quite big but I just remove some every spring to control it.
Not to be confused with Elodea canadenis which is very invasive.
5 Jun, 2012
Funny thing is, I remembered the 'crispa' bit... I had indoor goldfish for 17 years...
5 Jun, 2012
Thank you Drc726, I think that it is the Elodea Canadenis that we have in our pond and eventhough we remove a load ever year it has just taken over. I will remove all of it this time and will replant with the Crispa instead.Thanks again, Barmy Phil.
5 Jun, 2012
i did that and the crispa does do the sae just a month slower :o)
5 Jun, 2012
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« Hi I'm now to this...... A dwarf box hedge - I'd like to plant it now,...
Probably the weed they sell in pet shops intended for fish tanks and bowls - I can't remember its name, but its got curly leaves and is usually sold in a clump of about 5 strands, anchored on a lead strip.
5 Jun, 2012