By Gjd123
United States
I Live on Long lsland and recently planted some Allium Globemaster. I followed the planting directions and keep them well watered for the first 2 weeks. they seem to be thriving. After some cooler weather ;ast week the all turned fron a nice purple to a dull brown.
How long does the bloom usually stay. Is the flower dead.
Did I do something wrong?
I love the way the look next the my pool, but I thiought these were supposed to be low maintenance.
Any advise greatly appriciated.
5 Jun, 2012
Yes, that is correct. I did buy them as plants.
Will they come back next year?
Thank you that was very nice of you to coment and enlighten me.
5 Jun, 2012
Yes they come back, place the bulb in the ground with some grit underneath for drainage and they will be fine. About 4 -6 inches deep is fine. I would keep the flower stalk on the bulb for as long as you can bear. Alliums self seed if you want that.
5 Jun, 2012
I appriciate you comments. what a great community.
Thank you.
5 Jun, 2012
Hi Gjd,
I too have planted Allium Globemaster for the first time this year, I planted 5 but only 4 came up, but I have to say that I am absolutely thrilled with these amazing plants, and I am going to plant 50 next year in drift. I am in the UK and mine have been flowering for 2 weeks and are still going strong, I cut the green foliage off mine last week as they were so ugly, but they are thriving at the moment even with all of the rain we have had, perhaps that is what has kept them going.
5 Jun, 2012
Hello Marion 1,
we have also had alot of rain and I was thinking the is what causeed them to trun brown.
I thought thers flowere kept ther bloom thaourh out the summer (warm weather) season.
As mentioned earlier, I did not plant blubs but brought my plant per established.
I am a bit dissapointed htey did not last as long into the season as I wished.
hopefully, next year I'll have better luck
Enjoy you garden and thank you for your reply.
5 Jun, 2012
Previous question
I'm assuming you bought them as plants and not bulbs. The flower heads don't last long, 3 weeks if you're really lucky, more usually a week or possibly two.
5 Jun, 2012