By Marko
United Kingdom
hi ,
what will give me the best results of a south facing garden with lots of sunlight for wall or fence growers ,regards marko
6 Jun, 2012
Sounds quite simple. He has a wall/fence that faces south that he wants to plant something in front of of to grow up.
6 Jun, 2012
Its not that simple Scrumpygran! I agree with MG as an example Pyracantha on a wall can be interesting all year round, but you dont want thick dense growth if you have not much space or long sharp thorns if young children are around.
Also soil type/conditions are needed so the right plant will thrive.
6 Jun, 2012
I apologise then. Do we also need to know if they have pet dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs?
No idea what a Pyracantha is but i wouldn't want anything that had sharp thorns like that. I suppose that rules out climbing roses too?
6 Jun, 2012
Sorry Marko, I will withdraw from this question as it is verging on offensive!
6 Jun, 2012
Hi Marko, are you looking for something that is evergreen, or summer interest, spring interest etc? I have a planted lots of clematis which I purchased from Morrisons for £1.79, I cant stop buying them...... I have planted loads of these along one wall and bought different flowering time ones so that there is always some colour along the fence. On another fence I have Wisteria which is gorgeous and some more clematis and I have also got Jasmine clotted cream, it depends really like Moon Grow said is what are you trying to achieve?
6 Jun, 2012
Marion, I fear you, like myself, are a 'plantaholic'!
6 Jun, 2012
Grumpygraham, do you ever try answer the questions or do you just come onto the questions to bait people? There are people on this site that go out of their way to try to help answer peoples questions. Do you feel your comments are helping answer their question?
Marko, gardening can sometimes seem a complicated game full of trial and error. The more info you can give the better the answers will be. The helpfully contributors on this site will need more information to help. The tricky bit is often to know what information to give. Photos of the location are great and an idea of what you want to achieve too.
This may give you some ideas
For example I have a Rambling rose, Wisteria and lots of clematis too and they lovely but your fence/wall may only be 4 ft tall so they may not suit your garden.
6 Jun, 2012
Dear Smorgie,
I try to answer questions in an uncomplicated way, and try to answer the question asked, not what i want it to ask. So yes, i am helpful.
The final paragraph of your answer is i think what Marko was after.
Marion has answered the question nicely.
7 Jun, 2012
Scrumpyg: You do answer questions; you often have useful information to impart which the questioner may find helpful - but you also take the opportunity to have a pop at certain people at the same time, which often draws attention away from anything useful you may have to say, because its contaminated with bad grace. That's the fact of the matter, be nice if you could drop your apparent resentment/over sensitive ego, which cause many of your responses to make unpleasant reading, leaving a bad taste in the mouth, two things which, fortunately, are not representative of the site. In a community like this, it is important to understand that other people may have a different answer from yours, or may handle it differently - and that's fine and should not be considered a personal attack.
Marko: conditions in a south facing garden vary slightly - a fence on the left of a south facing garden will actually be facing west, and a fence at the bottom will be facing north, so that makes a small difference to which climbers will do best. What effect you want to achieve is a valid question, as is the height and width of any walls or fences you want to cover - putting a climber which gets 35 x 35 feet on a wall 6 feet high and wide wouldn't be terribly useful, would it. So, more info would be great.
7 Jun, 2012
Correct, that is the information needed, ie, height of wall, width of border, length of wall, type of soil.
Not how many kids or dinner parties you are going to have.
If i'd asked the question and somebody answered like moonblower i'd wonder if they'd been on magic mushrooms.
7 Jun, 2012
Oh dear, you really can't help yourself, can you Scrumpyg, give it a rest for heaven's sake, your unreasonable prejudice is showing like the proverbial freudian slip... I can't see anything wrong with Moongrower's response, but there's certainly something wrong with yours.
7 Jun, 2012
You are biased.
I gave a simple reply once again to MG'S response to clarify the question for her. That is all. You and the rest of the circle have then turned me into the villain again. It's me that's getting persecuted and forcing me to reach for the methyl salicylate tablets.
I still cannot for the love of me see where vegetables come in to the category of wall or fence growers unless the suggestion is to grow runner beans, peas, which of course we all do, against our fences.
I'm sure Marko was expecting things like clematis and honeysuckle in the answer. I may be wrong of course. If I am, i'll gladly admit it. Maybe even sweet peas. Those are the only things i know.
7 Jun, 2012
I'm wondering what methyl salicylate tabs are - good old google, be checking in a bit...
8 Jun, 2012
Not even google can match the knowledge of the only person in the universe aware of the existence of these tablets....and what's more, said person answers every question on here. And what's more, when she gets it wrong, she's always right.
Happy googling....
now what about climbing roses for this fence....
8 Jun, 2012
Well strangely, I can't find any methyl salicylate tablets anywhere - as a rub or cream, yes, as tablets, no.
Poor Marko - if I were him, I'd be thoroughly put off adding anything to this thread at all...
9 Jun, 2012
" this is a topical analgesic and is also found in aspirin"
"Yes it is a rubefacient but it is also an ingredient in aspirin".
The above answers were found on this thread
For which i got grief from everyone for trying to get the person concerned to just say sorry, i'm wrong.
Perhaps you can PM her, as she probably respects you, reminding her that she should occasionally show a bit of humility when she gets things wrong and stop blaming me.
Now as to the original question, yes , Marko probably is wondering what the hell is going on. However, he has had a few sensible answers.
If i was him i'd start a new question away from this one giving the details of the size of his walls/fences, width of border, type of soil and then he'd get the advice he wants from those of you who know about those sort of things. I'll admit, i don't.
9 Jun, 2012
Salycilic acid is asprin - the methyl bit appears to refer to wintergreen, which isn't something one would swallow, so I'm still puzzled as to where you got tablets of it from... not that it matters, really.
9 Jun, 2012
Umm, i am in sarcastic mode.
We are categorically told that methyl salicylate is an ingredient of aspirin, hence my reference to said tablets that do not exist.
Salicylic Acid is not aspirin either. That is also a topical use product, usually for treating warts and other skin conditions. It is a naturally occurring product found in certain trees.
Have another google:)
9 Jun, 2012
Yea, yea, saliclyic acid originally extracted from salix trees, now chemically manufactured and sold as aspirin. Methyl salicylate is not an ingredient of aspirin, only the salicylate part is...
9 Jun, 2012
Now can you get MG to admit to that is the difference between saying a sprout is the same as a cabbage just because they are brassicas.
9 Jun, 2012
Hmm. Well you know, Scrumpy, I haven't seen the thread where your disagreement with MG has taken place. However, I'd hazard an educated guess that, if she had got it wrong (and we all do at times), because she would normally unhesitatingly acknowledge her mistake, I can make a fairly good assumption that the reason she hasn't is because you keep having a pop at her, so she avoids your unpleasant responses in order to reduce the bad taste for everyone else. Even if you're right and she's wrong. Not unexpected when someone does what you're doing, i.e., beating someone over the head every time they post something. Horses for courses, mate... I could recommend a book for you - the Story of the North Wind and the Sun.
PS: I don't understand your position - I've seen many people do what you do, but I just don't get it - I know when I'm right and when someone else isn't, and I don't much care whether they acknowledge they're wrong or not, makes no odds to me, I don't need them to say I'm right, I already know. Maybe I'm just weird, but its much more useful to me if they tell me when I've got it wrong.
9 Jun, 2012
Suggest you read the thread first before making the above statement. I gave the link.
Just keep making the excuses for her.
9 Jun, 2012
Scrumpyg. YES I made a mistake on that thread. NO I did not reply to you as I did not want to make a bad situation worse however, as you seem to be obsessed with this note - I recognise I made a mistake. So can we now please move on and allow folk to ask and receive answers to questions.
9 Jun, 2012
Marko - I am so sorry that something that has nothing to do with your original question has taken this thread over... Might I suggest you send a private message to Bamboo for some solid advice.
9 Jun, 2012
"Scrumpyg. YES I made a mistake on that thread. NO I did not reply to you as I did not want to make a bad situation worse however, as you seem to be obsessed with this note - I recognise I made a mistake. So can we now please move on and allow folk to ask and receive answers to questions"
At long last, after all this time, you have acknowledged your error.
Despite what you have just said, it would not have made a bad situation worse at all. I would have said nothing else on the matter, apart from a good old never mind, we all make mistakes answer.
You have said elsewhere that you think I have some sort of "persecution complex" against you. To me, you are no different to anyone else answering questions. If someone says something wrong, or something I don't agree with, then I'll say so. How you take the response is up to you.
I cannot comment on 3/4's of what you say as you give lots of answers, and i don't read every question, only the ones I am familiar with. But you do come up with some strange replies, and when you do I'll ask for clarification.
The toxic nitrates from washing up liquid as an example was particularly relevant, due to me being of a scientific background.
Now I am not a grumpy old soul. Far from it. I read with great interest what is said on here, and will always pass on tips, and will always acknowledge the person who has given that tip. For example, someone going by the name of Barmyphil posed a statement that I thought I'd read and thanks to him and his question I've stumbled across what will eventually become the best online fertiliser supplier in the country.
But there is nothing worse in my mind than making a statement that has no substance and I lose all respect for people who choose to ignore requests to clarify these statements.
Now as far as I am concerned that is the end of it.
Until the next thing you say that I don't agree with :)
9 Jun, 2012
It seems to me that this question has been dominated and ruined by a petty individual with a grudge/problem and I for one hope the repeated attacks (that I have increasingly noticed over some time) on a respected member will cease. We all have the right to our opinions and yes all of us get things wrong on occasions, but thats not a reason to bully SG and I for one think that is what is you are doing.
9 Jun, 2012
You are right about one thing.
"We all have the right to our opinions"
9 Jun, 2012
You would do well to remember that SG!
9 Jun, 2012
I forgot to add, provided your opinions are right.
9 Jun, 2012
Right in your opinion then, Scrumpyg? Since that statement is so outrageous, I either have to conclude that you're completely bonkers and suffering from megolamania, or you're joking, so I'll choose the latter, in which case, highly amusing.
10 Jun, 2012
Though having said that, Hitler and Bin Laden had some very strong opinions.....
10 Jun, 2012
Yep, megalomaniacs all round there, along with Mugabe and Amin... there's a fine line between having a strong opinion and forcing other people to accept it.
10 Jun, 2012
Hi Marko and welcome to GoY... what are you wanting to achieve, do you have young people running around etc. etc. Hopefully you get my drift - what do YOU want from your garden; a large area to sit and socialise with friends, massed flower borders, veggies crops, cottage garden... all are possible but we need to know what your thoughts are :-)
6 Jun, 2012