By Schmuzzty
United Kingdom
can anyone tell me and my friend what this plant is? we're panicking in case it is giant hogweed, it's about 5ft tall now with a large white flower head and hollow stem. thanks

8 Jun, 2012
It looks like a Eupatorium but they tend to be pink
8 Jun, 2012
The piece on the right hand side looks a bit like motherwort, but I would need to see the open flowers to be sure.
8 Jun, 2012
no it's not eupatorium the leaves are much bigger and jaggedy.
the flower is on the top,held like a cow parsley head, notup the stem like motherwort.
it is really puzzling us...i didnt plant it and my friend has several in her garden come up from nowhere. no one seems to know what it is. mine is in london and hers is in dorset. she has several of them popped up in a yucca plant pot.
8 Jun, 2012
No idea but definitely not hogweed so stop worrying!
Perhaps post again when the flowers are open?
8 Jun, 2012
Am intrigued now! I actually wish hogs weed wasn't such a Pest as I think it's a stunning architectural plant, loads of it rampaging in Glasgow ! X
8 Jun, 2012
yes i like hogweed too, so i've got angelica archangel here instead of it which is pretty big and spectacular.
anyway back to the imposter plant:
it is flowering now a tiny creamy white flower in groups not quite like a cow parsley but similar...bit like a carrot flower but in clumps. will try to get photo tomorrow but wind is blowing a howling hoolie out there today and cant get one.
8 Jun, 2012
okay i've put the photos of the flowers on now. close up and from a distance. they have a sweet creamy smell and the bees are all over it. the actual plant has fallen right over in the rain here but is leaning and has flowered so i reckon it's about 6ft tall.
H E L P!! no one has any idea what it is? have i discovered a new species?
10 Jun, 2012
I think it's rather pretty......still No idea what it is though x x
10 Jun, 2012
isnt this incredible? i dont know anyone who can identify it. i think i'll send some photos to Kew.
10 Jun, 2012
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I don't know what it is but don think its hogs weed x leaves on hogs weed are the size of shovels
8 Jun, 2012