I am having trouble with Parsley Part two.
Algarve, Portimao,
I am having trouble with Parsley, flat leafed variety. Planted in compost, in a sunny/shade area and it dies off.
What can I do, should it be fertilized weekly/monthly, we use diluted horse manure on the rest of the garden and that seems fine? I have since bought a new pot of parsley plants, and planted them in two different parts of the garden, both in part sun/part shade. They died off overnight.!!!!!!!!!!! Well watered in and soaked before planting. Could it be the compost, mixed with top soil,if so what compost should I be using?
8 Jun, 2012
But the tomatoes will surely need potash as well for the fruit as the nitrogen is for the green growth.
8 Jun, 2012
Previous question
Parsley should flourish in any reasonable piece of soil and really doesn't need fertilising or feeding. I would certainly NOT feed them dilute horse manure as they are herbs which flourish in poor soil.
If the plants you were putting out were well rooted in a pot or module, then I find it hard to understand why they have died.
The most likely cause is that the plants have dried out or been subjected to irregular watering. They do well in a soil kept moist without being water logged.
I grow my parsley in the polytunnel, just for convenience, where it gets very warm, but they are kept well watered. One or two plants usually provide me with enough parsley for all our needs.
The dilute horse manure should be fine for tomatoes which are gross feeders and love nitrogen, but don't start feeding the plants until the first fruit has set, or you will get green leafy growth at the expense of the fruit.
8 Jun, 2012