By Cookygirl41
mid glamorgan,
United Kingdom
How long does it take a squirrel to suss out a new feeder? Theres a squirrel comes into my garden regularly but hes hanging on the bird feeders and breaking them so my husband made a squirrel box with lift up lid and I moved the bird feeder but hes not going to his. I put some peanuts on top of it but the crows are having those....any suggestions most appreciated
8 Jun, 2012
just leave food in the new feeder and dont put any bird feeders out. If he is interested he will investigate.
8 Jun, 2012
They just love peanuts so you're using the right food but they can be a bit nervous of predators so make sure the feeder is situated where they can make a quick getaway (but where you can still see them of course, from a distance).
8 Jun, 2012
I am not sure if you want to Encourage or Discourage the rogues.
For the former. Just put out any feeder and they will find it. They are quite bright critters.
For the latter. Get squirrel-proof feeders (plenty available online), no need to spend a fortune...
I have mixed feelings about the blighters - I like to see 'em scampering about and chattering to themselves, and anyone else, man or beast. But at the same time I am aware that they (grey squirrels) are a pest. An introduced species that has no (natural) right to be here.
But what to do... A dilemma.
9 Jun, 2012
Also be aware that they may view your house as a good nesting site, chew their way through a slightly damaged bargeboard and set up home in your attic. I speak from experience!
9 Jun, 2012
Mine get into everything. We just double the feed. :o)
8 Jun, 2012