By Marinorres
Hi! I would like to know the name of this tree. As it can be seen in the close up, it has compound leaves and the leaflets and fruits are very small (that there is my finger!). It's a very beautiful and delicate tree, and quite big, and I'd like to know its name so I can get one. Could it be an acacia? Thanks in advance!!

9 Jun, 2012
I'm not sure. When I saw the little "fruits" I thought they were the buds... but they never opened, so I must have missed the flowers. In any case, they're very very small. I don't know whether this is a native tree or not. Probably not. We're full of imported species in our parks and gardens. Thanks for your reply!
9 Jun, 2012
I think it is silver wattle, or Acacia dealbata, as you suspected.
9 Jun, 2012
Thanks a lot! I may have missed the yellow flowers. I'll be on the lookout next spring! What bothers me is that the fruits are so small! Anyway, many thanks for your reply! :-)
9 Jun, 2012
Previous question
some type of mimosa does it have yellow flowers
Imm no expert on Agentian trees though
9 Jun, 2012