By Dtay
United Kingdom
Hi just would like to ask if any one can tell me why my Rhododendron has no flowers this year. It is a large 10yrs + old plant under a tree and this the first year we have no buds, although It has lots of lush green new growth.
9 Jun, 2012
Thanks for the welcome. We live in Cheshire north west.
9 Jun, 2012
Would also like to add we have other Rhododendrons of the same type, which have flowered or are still in flower the only thing different is they are more open in borders and not under a tree.
9 Jun, 2012
Wish I could help more - sorry I can't. If you have other Rhodos flowering you might need to check if vine weeval is munching on the roots. Hope you get this sorted
9 Jun, 2012
This has been a very odd year weather-wise, March far too hot then April and May cold and wet. I 'think' all our rhododendrons have flowered or are in bud but it would not surprise me if one or two hadn't.
Having written the above the flower bud actually forms in late autumn, so it would be useful to know which bit of the UK you live in.
MG, oh and welcome to GoY.
9 Jun, 2012