By Madeira1328
United Kingdom
Have a leggy buddliea which is up to 10 yrs old. loads of dead wood and then leaves right at the end. Should I start again or resurrect? (its about ten/twelve foot high)- multiple stemmed.
On plant
lol butterfly bush
10 May, 2009
We used to prune our buddleia every autumn when we had. Bit dodgy pruning now but if is 10ft high and only has leaves on the top you might want to try. Remember to feed and water well.
10 May, 2009
dont forget to pot some of the shorter sprouting leafy bits as cuttings then you will have an insurance if the original does die.
10 May, 2009
Its a buddleia, ten a penny, needs cutting every year in March/April anyway, chance it and cut it down.
13 May, 2009
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« I planted a lilac tree 7 years ago and it still isnt flowering
I think I would cut it all back a long way to about two or three feet from the ground. A bit higher if you feel that's too severe. They are very tough and there is a very good chance it will all sprout back again and look a lot better.
10 May, 2009